Media player maximize issue ?
Hi all, and happy new year.
I have Windows 7 Home premium 64 just intalled on my new build.
Pc runs mint with no issues at all, all my programs and applications run 100% fine and super quick.
Only issue i am having is my media player behaves oddly like never before on other systems i had.
When i select a move to play (.avi) the media player pops up in a small window and starts to play it no problem, but when i click to maximize the view, some moves just maximize no problem, some cause this 2 - 3 second black screen to occur before starting in full view mode.
I cant see a difference in any of the .avi files other then some are 23fps and some are 25fps etc but the black screen happens with various fps files so i cant pinpoint the cause.
All the films are on one drive and all played ok on my other pc.
Any ideas anyone ?
Thanks for reading.
Just to add, if i open in media player classic i dont have the issue so it is a media player issue but what it the difference between the player that comes with W7 and media classic ?
My other pc has W7 ulrimate 64 running on it and it dont have the black screen issue with media player, i am only getting the black screen with W7 Home premium 64 and the player that comes with it. ? luckily i have klite codec pack installed and it has the classic player hence knowing the classic works.
Is there a setting i need to adjust for the media player perhaps to allow it to play with the same settings that the classic does ?
Last edited by Vale; 01 Jan 2011 at 14:54.