Media center "loses" video library

  1. Posts : 2
    Win 7 Ultimate 32 & 64

    Media center "loses" video library

    My media center loses its video library. I have video library set up to access files on another computer on the network. This has worked fine for 8 months, but now when accessing the video library it will load ok, folders show up, I start watching a video, finish then go to start another and all the folders have disappeared. I can restart media center with no effect, nothing shows in the library, or restart the machine and it will work as above for a short time then lose it again. All files and folders appear fine and will play if accessed outside media center through explorer, etc. I have tried removing and re adding media libraries, running through the whole media center setup again all to no avail. I hate to reinstall windows but don't see any other option. Again, only seems to be a media center issue, Boxee or XBMC have no problems, nor does straight access through explorer.

    Any ideas?

    Win 7 ultimate 32 bit
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)

    You might find that sorting by DATE will show you your files. As to why or how to fix this, MSFT has offered nothing!!!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)

    Here's what the problem looks like. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!
    The question is simple: Why did Windows Media Center stop recognizing (video) folders stored on external drives/as well as 1 internal backup drive? What is it going to take to get WMC to perform as it did in Vista and when Windows 7 first came out?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Media center "loses" video library-1.png   Media center "loses" video library-2.png   Media center "loses" video library-3.png  
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 441
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit

    Try rebuilding your WMP library and check whether it resolves the problem.

    Windows Media Player - Rebuild Corrupted Libraries
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)

    Ponmayilal said:
    Try rebuilding your WMP library and check whether it resolves the problem.

    Windows Media Player - Rebuild Corrupted Libraries
    Thanks for the input Ponmayilal, but mission failure! I'm beginning to believe that this is some kind of paranormal activity. It's GOTTA be since no other explanation suffices.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Media center "loses" video library-smileyvault-cute-big-smiley-animated-030.gif  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 441
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit

    drtalk said:
    Here's what the problem looks like. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!
    The question is simple: Why did Windows Media Center stop recognizing (video) folders stored on external drives/as well as 1 internal backup drive? What is it going to take to get WMC to perform as it did in Vista and when Windows 7 first came out?
    On a second reading, the only way that could happen is when the drive letter changes.It is possible in the case of external drives when you plug-in some more of that variety.:)

    I am now confused. Why would you try to access media stored on an Internal back-up drive? One would normally call on a back-up only when the original is corrupted or lost and to refurbish it. Is it not?

    Or is it some paranormal forces are corrupting my brain cells?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)

    Ponmayilal said:
    drtalk said:
    Here's what the problem looks like. SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!!!
    The question is simple: Why did Windows Media Center stop recognizing (video) folders stored on external drives/as well as 1 internal backup drive? What is it going to take to get WMC to perform as it did in Vista and when Windows 7 first came out?
    On a second reading, the only way that could happen is when the drive letter changes.It is possible in the case of external drives when you plug-in some more of that variety.:)

    I am now confused. Why would you try to access media stored on an Internal back-up drive? One would normally call on a back-up only when the original is corrupted or lost and to refurbish it. Is it not?

    Or is it some paranormal forces are corrupting my brain cells?
    re: backup drive letters - You know, that sounds like something that could very well be feasible. BUT, here's the problem with that theory. I actually wiped my C drive (DoD Standard Compliant) and started totally fresh with a new install. Yes, I can hear the chuckles from you all for me having gone to such lengths...but I was determined dammit! Anyhow, with a perfectly clean HD and install completed, it was time to set up WMC and start choosing libraries to add. After doing so with great care and double checking everything, I completed the task & rebooted just to be safe. Once booted up, I launched WMC. SAME *#@%$& PROBLEM!!!

    re: internal backup - My logic in this case was really more of a test than anything else. I put an exact same HD in (SATA) just to see if perhaps the source of my videos was somehow accessed differently now that they resided on a drive that was actually part of the machine and not a USB. No luck. To run WMC the way it should, I put some of my vids on C drive. That is, until I was warned that I was down to only 18GB free out of 1TB.

    Anyway, as you should have gathered by now, the problem still persists. I'm thinking that perhaps an exorcism is my only option left. Oh, and by the way, Microsoft still has not offered up a solution.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)

    Fixed...At Least For Me

    Well, stranger things have happened. Check this out. I stumbled upon some obscure forum that was mainly about bugs, glitches and such. (I never bookmarked it!)
    Anyhoo...sure enough, there was a thread on this very subject. One of the posters, who REALLY sounded quite experienced, said that his trouble with WMC was based on a few corrupted .DLL files. Like me, out of frustration, he re-installed Windows in hopes that the fresh/clean install would do the trick. Apparently it didn't (for me either). Then, just for the hell of it, he thought "maybe the OS disc has corrupt OR outdated files for WMC". So he downloaded a copy of Windows 7 and entered his legit license key. BINGO! I immediately did the same thing and......BINGO AGAIN!

    I was partially right about it having to do with a Microsoft update. Whatever it was that was in that update, screwed with certain critical files in WMC. So I'm guessing that the OS we downloaded was more current and somehow installed everything A-OK. I can't be 100% certain that this is the end all to be all answer for everyone, but at least it's better than nothing.

    Just thought I'd pass this along to whomever is interested.

      My Computer


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