gom player is installed yeah.I reinstalled Kpac codecs and this made me able to watch avi in wmp12 if i wanted.
gom player is installed yeah.I reinstalled Kpac codecs and this made me able to watch avi in wmp12 if i wanted.
Well, I confess that I'm out of ideas ... But I'll keep searching for an effective solution. I am determined to get it!
Have you ever tried Shark007's Codecs?? I think, its what many people on this forum would recommend.
Here we go again... Another possibility emerges:
Microsoft Fix It - download the items below ( if the first does not work, download the second ):
1º - Mats_Run.WinMediaPlayer.exe
2º - Mats_Run.Codec.exe
Let us know the results.
Download and install VLC media player, and associate it with your video files and web browser. VLC is extremely robust at playing anything, has codecs for about anything. Screenshot attached showing VLC playing King Arthur movie, minimal controls view, but it can display full controls, and is highly configurable, and is open source (window in lower right of screenshot is command line terminal of Windows Powershell, not part of VLC)
VideoLAN - Official page for VLC media player, the Open Source video framework!