downloaded file disappears

  1. Posts : 6
    windows 7 32 bit

    downloaded file disappears

    i downloaded a video file and when I checked the folder it was downloaded to it was not there. I then used windows explorer to locate the file and it found it. However, I got this error message "this shortcut refers to has been changed or moved, so this shorcut will no longer work properly." I have no idea now how to locate the file. Any help is appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,996
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Try using Search to locate it.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6
    windows 7 32 bit
    Thread Starter

    I did use search, that is how I found the broken link. It was not in the folder so I used search.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 536
    Windows 7

    Did you download it to a library, instead of a directory?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 357
    Windows 7 Home Pre


    When you say download, What did you use too download with (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Down loader app)

    This will tell you the following, where is it for one, what may of happened too it for two and if you clicked open and not Save as.......

    So let me know what you used and I can advise.

    Also Search will NOT go into the Hidden folder in users Temp folder.

    ie: C:\Users\Roger Cornwell\AppData\Local\Temp

    Might be in there.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

    I have a similar challenge. I have tried from various browsers, (IE, FF, Safari, Opera, Chrome) by hitting a "download" link (like from CNet / Downloads) where the link is not directly to a specific file. If a specific file then I can use a download manager, my favourite is Orbit, but it only works in IE. I wish it worked across all browsers, it is brilliant and works well for me. I love it. Gets a 10 out of 5!
    I can see the download, like in Safari and FF. But when I click, it does not give me the open file/view folder, and when I look on the other browsers, I can see it downloading (example: *.exe.part) in the chosen folder, and when it is done, it vanishes. I have searched (in hidden files too) and the same is happening when it downloads to the cache/temporary folder. On FF, it will tell you that the file has been 'moved' but it is NOWHERE to be found. Grrrr, this has been going on for a long time, and is now driving me crazy enough to search for help. I am a computer company owner, and supposed to be a support specialist! HA!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 187
    windows 7 64 bit and dual boot Pinguyos

    If you have not yet tried try, you have to uncheck the option "do not save encrypted pages to disk" in
    internet options/advanced.
    Last edited by razy60; 20 Jul 2011 at 07:05.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

    Thanks razy60, I got all excited and went to do just that. It was not checked though! :-(

    Any other suggestions? I did update my system specs though (am jealous over yours)!

    I changed some of the security (putting computer at risk) to see if it would help. It did not. It downloads (I was using FF), I see the download, then I see it briefly with the correct file size, and I blink, and it is GONE! Grrr, frustration is now about as high as the airplanes (flying)! In this particular instance I was downloading GOM codec. So nothing that would prevent being downloaded. I also desperately need to download a .VOB converter to others. I also usually go to CNET, but it does not have a file, rather a programe that downloads. I was trying to download AnyVideoConverter, and couldn't. Any other suggestions on how to circumvent the 'programme' driven downloads? I can use a download manager if I can see a file name. That works fine. The is the crux.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 187
    windows 7 64 bit and dual boot Pinguyos

    Ok in your browser tools no matter which browser where are the downloads sent, you should be able to check the file path, I mainly use chrome which when i check- tools- downloads, it gives me the option to show in folder. Also have you at any time used a removable device to store downloaded files directly. I know some of this may be obvious, but information always helps.
    Also create a desktop folder as Downloads then in your browser redirect it to that.
    It may help to uninstall all but I.E and uninstall Orbit(you can reinstall it later) then clear any cache and registry plus do the usual clean ups.
    1 thing though where does orbit direct your downloads?
      My Computer


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