Why does muting sound in Live TV mute all Windows sound?

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Why does muting sound in Live TV mute all Windows sound?

    Using a tuner card in my computer. When I mute the sound in Media Center Live TV, it mutes all the Windows sound. Any way to get around this? Would like to be able to mute the Live TV & run closed captioning while keeping all the other Windows sounds. Can't seem to find any options to set.

    Tuner card is a Avermedia M791-B.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 477
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit, Windows Developer Preview, Linux Mint 9 Gnome 32 Bit

    What do you use to mute Windows Media Center?? Do you use a remote to mute it??

    My advise would be to try muting Windows Media Center by manually clicking the volume button on the bottom of the screen while playing live TV and see if all the other Windows sounds are muted as well. Or on the side panel of the taskbar, click on the volume icon, click on Mixer and mute Windows Media Center from in there without muting the other applications that make sounds.

    Or if you have something on the line-in jack connected to your TV tuner, can you try unplugging it??

    Good Luck.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Pro 64bit

    Vertex senior Member... Vista has same promblem. I cant believe win7 hasnt fixed it yet.... I am gona have to go check my self. And Op means when he hit the mute button in Media centre.

    Op the best way around it... I just opened the sound mixer (u can tweak it so u can mute different software i.e internet explorer so so on).... or I paused the TV, watch a Youtube video and then, unpause media centre when i was finished.
      My Computer


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