hauppauge hvr2250 mce remote not working

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    hauppauge hvr2250 mce remote not working

    I bought a brand new 2250 card with remote and the remote does't work. I plugged in the IR sensor to the TV tuner and put new batteries in the remote and the light flashes on the remote when I press a button but the tuner is non responsive to it. I tried using it in both Wintv 7 and Windows Media Center. I've spent about 10 hours doing everything possible and even bought a new cable, but nothing.

    When I click a button on the remote should the receiver flash red? because I am not getting any red flashes on the receiver, but when I restart the IR blaster does light up red for about 5 seconds.

    IR.exe is running.

    here is the remote I have:
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  2. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    I have two standard Microsoft Windows Media Center remotes (currently available from Amazon at only $9, but without the required IR receiver), installed and fully operational with Windows Media Center running on my two Win7 machines. The one I linked to appears to be the remote-only, but the two kits I own both came with an IR Receiver as well.

    Interestingly, the two IR Receivers which came with each of my two standard WMC remotes were not the same, but I suspect they are also both "standard WMC IR Receivers", since they both caused Win7 to install proper drivers when they first got plugged in, and they both work perfectly with the WMC remote being used at each system. Note that I have EHRECVR.EXE running on both of my WMC machines.

    For sure, THIS PARTICULAR RC6 IR RECEIVER (although it appears currently unavailable from Amazon) was EXACTLY the one which arrived with one of the remotes that I bought, and it installed and works perfectly. It's exactly the one I'm using on my first machine (with WMC actually running as my DVR). I don't have a picture of the other IR Receiver which came with my second remote and which is in use at the second PC, but it too works perfectly.

    Looking around, I'm guessing that this particular HP version of an Media Center IR Receiver looks like it could also be usable, and at just $12 is worth a try to solve your problem. But I don't know... perhaps you could call HP and ask if it is fully usable with Windows Media Center.

    I do not have IR.EXE running. I have EHRECVR.EXE running, on both PC's. I believe this is that standard driver/service which supports the both of my IR Receivers for WMC on my two machines.

    I don't know what IR.EXE is, and I don't know if it's specifically intended for some other type of TV program or is a generic IR-receiver driver. I'm going to guess it is from Hauppauge, specifically for WinTV... but I don't know, since I did not install WinTV on my machine as I use WMC instead (since I have both an HVR-2250 as well as a Ceton InfiniTV tuner card in my HTPC).

    But I'm virtually certain that it is your IR Receiver and related driver which is your problem, not your remote (at least not yet, but I don't know what remote you have). I suspect you want EHRECVR.EXE active, in order to support a standard WMC remote and standard WMC IR Receiver to both be recognized and supported by WMC.

    I have two tuner cards in one of my PC's: (a) Hauppauge HVR-2250 2-tuner OTA ATSC, and (b) Ceton InfiniTV 4-tuner cablecard-enabled. All six tuners are controlled by WMC, and the WMC remote works perfectly through WMC. I did not install WinTV because I use WMC as my TV/DVR software.

    I have zero tuner cards in my other second PC, but still use WMC and still use the WMC remote/IR-receiver. Instead, I just use the WMC remote to control WMC running on that second machine, which is connected through my LAN to the \Recorded TV folders on the other (WMC host) first machine. In other words I can watch copy-freely programs on either PC, and I have a WMC remote for each PC in order to be able to communicate conveniently with WMC at each PC.

    Anyway, I'm sure it is your IR Receiver and corresponding IR.EXE instead of EHRECVR.EXE which is most likely the heart of your problem. I suspect IR.EXE may be for the HVR-2250 only, and not for use with WMC.

    I like the physical layout of the standard WMC remotes I bought, but their certainly are other "kits" that purport to be standard WMC-usable, and that come with both remote and IR receiver. Surely they are usable.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    W7 64 premium

    IR Remote

    Did you run the IR config utility?

    Your need to do this for WMC.

    I am also running a 2250; it's a great tuner. But I hate "peanut" remotes, so I am using a HP "green button" remote. The wife beats the snot out of it and just keeps on ticking. BTW: cheep also.

    BTW: Consider a Logitech K400 keyboard; it's just big enough for "caveman fingers".
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    Any progress?

    Turns out you can get the same Dell RC6 (J4462) IR Receiver I have on one of my WMC setups, available here for $17.

    That works perfectly with the OFFICIAL ORIGINAL Microsoft WMC remote which is available here (without the IR receiver) for $9.

    Or, you can get a Dell version of the WMC remote along with that J4462 IR Receiver, together here for $20.

    Again, the HVR-2250 is controlled by Windows Media Center if you're not using WinTV but using WMC. So you want a WMC remote and matching WMC IR receiver (which will auto-install when you plug it in, and will cause EHRECVR.EXE to run).

    So, what is your current status on this problem you posted about??
      My Computer


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