WMP CD rip options does not allow change location.

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Pr0 x64

    WMP CD rip options does not allow change location.

    Heya people.

    I have small problem with my parents computer.
    When i started to rip our old CD:s i noticed there is some issues with WMP12.

    It started to spam me errors about there is no file/folder and it's unable to start ripping. (finnish version Windows so cant know what it really says in ENG version)
    So mainly problem looks like this:

    Please see the problem is not just empty slot... It cant be changed even. When clicking "Muuta" change button it does not do anything. After while it gives error: Windows media player cant change settings.

    Tried to run with admin and tried reinstall WMP. No changes.
    Any clue how to check this error?
    Tried to look in forums already but i did not see anything what could fix this error.

    Thanks already!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    you could try a scf scan to see if there is an issue that can be fix.
    run the scan three times re-booting between each scan
    SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker

    kari our resident Finn may be able to help more with the english.
    though i was able to see the english version in the wmp options on the rip tab.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    boohbah said:
    you could try a scf scan to see if there is an issue that can be fix.
    run the scan three times re-booting between each scan
    SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker
    WMP CD rip options does not allow change location.-fi.png

    Terve, mukava tavata muita suomalaisia täällä :).

    Tuo ylläoleva Boohbahin neuvo on oikeastaan paras mahdollinen. Aja tuo SFC tiedostoskanneri muutaman kerran tutoriaalissa mainitulla SCANNOW optiolla. Se tarkistaa Windowsin systeemitiedostojen ongelmat, korjaten ne.

    Tärkeää tiedostoskannerin kanssa on muistaa ajaa se useamman kerran, kunnes Windows kertoo ettei se enää löydä virheitä. Tyypillisin virhe SFC:n käytössä on ajaa se vain kerran ja kun ohjelma kertoo ettei se voinut korjata kaikkia virheitä, jättää se siihen. SFC:lle on ihan tyypillistä että se löytää useita virheitä mutta korjaa niistä joka skannauksella vain osan, siksi pitäisi aina muistaa bootata kone skannauksen jälkeen, ajaa SFC vielä kerran ja toistaa tämä niin kauan että viimein SFC kertoo ettei se enään löytänyt virheitä.

    Windows Mediasoittimen tiedostot ovat natiiveja systeemitiedostoja eli niiden pitäisi korjautua SFC:llä. Oikein asennettuna ja ilman virheitä Musiikin kopiointi-välilehden tulisi näyttää tämänhetkinen tallennuskansio ja antaa muuttaa sen.

    WMP CD rip options does not allow change location.-2013-09-26_161255.png

    WMP CD rip options does not allow change location.-en-us.png

    Hi, nice to meet fellow Finns here :).

    The above advice from Boohbah is IMO the best possible. Run the SFC file scanner a few times with the SCANNOW option as told in the tutorial. It checks the integrity of Windows system files, repairing them.

    Important with file scanner is to remember to run it a few times, until Windows tells you it does not find any more damaged files. The most typical mistake in using SFC is to run it only once and when the system tells it could not fix all errors, leave it. It's typical for SFC to find all errors but only repair some of them on each run, what makes it important to repeat the procedure rebooting in between each run, until after the last scan SFC tells it did not find any more errors.

    Windows Media Player files are native system files so they can be repaired with SFC. When correctly installed and no errors the Rip Music tab should show the selected save folder and let you change it.

    WMP CD rip options does not allow change location.-2013-09-26_161254.png

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    brilliant post kari.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Pr0 x64
    Thread Starter

    Ok sorry about being afk here.

    Thanks from all your posts.
    I did all what you told and it did not fix it.

    Problem were that there used to be device at (g:\) what was deleted and merged to the other partition.
    Windows weren't able to change settings because it tried open G:\ what weren't available anymore what gave me this error.

    To fix this error i just did plug some USB stick and changed it to G:\ after reboot it started allow change your route for WMP Cd rip...

    Seems sometimes error can be logical and sometimes not logical.
    Why there is not "reset to default" button?
      My Computer


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