I'll soon be buying a new PC and while I'll be considering other operating systems, I do want to make sure I have the option of installing Windows 7,...
6 pata Ide HD's & 2 Sata HD's
added 80gb external on Ult 7600 computer,
numerous extra 1tb, 2TB, 3Tb SATA HD's
A collection of ext HD Docks w/ HDs
430w, 550w, 600w, 700, 800, etc
All Generic Full Towers
Open Air & a few fans, some w/ colored LEDs
Compaq & Dell recycled from GoodWill
Made in China Optical Wired Mouse
Internet Speed:
Fast Cable InterNet
AVG Free on 24 different Desktops, NO Problems!
IE 8 is preferred, but use FireFox sometimes
Other Info:
Linksys Routers, switches, & Hubs
Too Many USB Flash Drives to count, Biggest is 64GB !
Eight computers in my home network.
Sixteen computers at my business network.
Linked via TeamViewer !
Lots of old used spare computer parts everywhere!