Certificate problem

  1. Posts : 148

    Certificate problem

    Hi Gang

    Well I said I would be back and hear I am.

    I have had this problem ever since I have been using Outlook 2010. When ever I start Outlook mail or send an e-mail I get this little box talking about a security certificate. And it give you a choice of yes or no accepting the certificate, and it don't seem like it makes any diff whitch one you click on, it goes away until the next time. I have viewed the cert. and tried several diff things there, but it still comes back.

    I am wondering if this has anything to do with AT&T/Yahoo being my provider, cause I have Yahoo mail also but Outlook is my default mail provder. I want to call someone about this but undecided as to who is the bad guy.

    I am attaching a picture of the little box.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Certificate problem-certificate.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    Gunny3053 said:
    Hi Gang

    Well I said I would be back and hear I am.

    I have had this problem ever since I have been using Outlook 2010. When ever I start Outlook mail or send an e-mail I get this little box talking about a security certificate. And it give you a choice of yes or no accepting the certificate, and it don't seem like it makes any diff whitch one you click on, it goes away until the next time. I have viewed the cert. and tried several diff things there, but it still comes back.

    I am wondering if this has anything to do with AT&T/Yahoo being my provider, cause I have Yahoo mail also but Outlook is my default mail provder. I want to call someone about this but undecided as to who is the bad guy.

    I am attaching a picture of the little box.


    It is your provider. Their certificate cant be verified (if may just be expired) call them (but good luck.)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 148
    Thread Starter

    Hi Zig zag

    I checked the certificate and it is up to date, should I still call them, do you think. I know what you mean by good luck. I hate calling those people. I did look at the cert. and I am sure it is not expired, now what.?

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 148
    Thread Starter

    Hi Zig Zag

    The actual name of the certificate is...Equifax secure certificate auth. and it is good until 1-19-2007 to 1-19-2012.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 148
    Thread Starter

    Hi All

    Well I thought after the Christmas Holiday's there would be some more people having possible answers to my problem, but it looks like every one is still sitting back and not taking any shots at this.

    I am going to call my provider today and I wil post what they say.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,426
    7 Pro

    is this a pop/imap email account?
      My Computer


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