Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue

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  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64bit

    You can also setup the XPS Document Printer as your OneNote Printer and print to it. It then creates an XPS file that you can save. When you paste it into one of your notebook pages you have the 3 options.
    1. Insert Link to the Original File
    2. Insert a copy of the file onto the page
    3. Insert the file as printout so I can add notes to it.
    If you choose three you can write on it if you want and add comments.

    I still think that using IE9 and selecting everything on the page that when you click on the "Send to OneNote" that it should be able to format the page correctly on your Notebook page. This is really a problem with this product.

    If I just want to copy part of a page and send to OneNote it works fine. It is just the whole page that is a problem.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,538
    Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit

    Kari just a thought on my part, is this a fresh install of Office OneNote or have you upgraded from say 2007, if an upgrade your files will still be in the 2007 format and you may need to convert them to the 2010 format to use all the features.

    I could be way of course here but those are my thoughts.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for interest, Joan.

    No, fresh Office 2010 installation. I have given up this, seems there's no solution.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 186
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Hi Kari,

    I know this is an old thread but I was having the same issue.
    I found this little tip and it works:
    Just highlight the part of the page you want and then click the send to one note in Internet Explorer.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue-capture.jpg  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)


    Awesome 1 year later and a solution! You ROCK!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB
    Thread Starter

    Sorry but no, that is not a solution. Loki is simply describing the same situation as a solution for which I originally asked help, selecting Send to OneNote from IE context Menu.

    It does not work, sending a page to OneNote does not work. The system will screw the graphics. As told in my original post, only way to get graphics OK and the OneNote page to look as original webpage is to save it as an image, which is not a solution for then the page cannot be edited.

    Here, screenshots from today show the exactly same situation as in my original post. First done as I originally told I am doing, the way which according to Loki is the solution:

    Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue-2013-05-21_094620.png

    And then saved as an image:

    Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue-2013-05-21_094804.png

    I hope that you can see the difference. Sending to OneNote does not maintain the layout, it totally screws the saved page making it unpleasant to look.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 86
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64


    Curious, does this happen for all web site of just this one site. If other sites work fine then it could be that this site is using HTML tags in a way that OneNote can't understand.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB
    Thread Starter

    HiTechCoach said:

    Curious, does this happen for all web site of just this one site. If other sites work fine then it could be that this site is using HTML tags in a way that OneNote can't understand.
    It's all pages, it is a simple fact that Send to OneNote feature in IE context menu is totally unusable.

    This is as I had it a minute ago:

    Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue-2013-05-21_175232.png[/ATTACH]

    And this is the same page sent to OneNote:

    Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue-2013-05-21_175143.png

    My favorite news site back from my native Finland, important to an ex-pat:

    Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue-2013-05-21_175936.png

    The same page sent to OneNote:

    Send webpage to OneNote - graphics issue-2013-05-21_180013.png

    It is a feature that has never worked, basically totally useless if you want to send anything more than a simple link or sentence from a webpage.

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)

    Ugh! no solution. Errrrrr!
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64bit

    I know exactly what you are looking for. Evernote has an awesome web clipper for IE, FF and Chrome that keeps url, the formatting of the webpage and the links are clickable. Looking at the note in Evernote is exactly like looking at the webpage.
    You have options to clip an article, a url or clip the pull page (not only what is visible but the whole page scrolling and all)
    Evernote Web Clipper | Evernote

    PLEASE someone, recreate this for OneNote
      My Computer

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