Saving in word but files are not saving

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows xp

    Saving in word but files are not saving

    I open a file sent to me in email, click enable editing, work on it for three hours, hitting save all the while, then go to email it back and the file is gone. It isn't in my documents where I saved it, and it isn't under recent files.

    Please please please help me. I am sure you can relate to the feeling of losing something you have worked hard on and I feel helpless.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,135
    Windows 10 64 bit

    It may be saved in a different place that you think.

    Best option is to save the file attachment to some location, such as your desktop. Then open your wordprocessor and then open the saved file. You can work on it and then save it (use the "save as" option) to your My Documents (the usual location - or wherever you save documents). Then when you reply to the e-mail, "attach" the saved file to the e-mail.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,588
    Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

    there is a chance that you selected 'open' rather than 'save' from the email, which would store the document in the temporary foler section. Even if you save it afterwards, the file is still in the temporary folder unless you select 'save as'. Likely, it has been erased after you closed it, if that is indeed what happened.

    OR, you have named it something different and cannot find it.

    OR, you have saved it ('save as') in a different location than you remember.

    OR, your computer crashed/word crashed, to which word should automatically restore the document when you open word again. Usually you are able to tell when word crashes
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,009
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    When you open an attached file and enable editing, if you just press save, I think it simply updates the original attached file.

    Try saving the file to your hard disk before editing, it will then update your copy of the file, leaving the original in the format as sent.
      My Computer


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