MS is trying to eff us over!

  1. Posts : 322
    Windows 7 x64 Pro

    MS is trying to eff us over!

    I have a legitimate Office 2010 bundle which I have been using for years, and have no intention to update. However, a while ago, the following window would pop up when I ran an Office program.

    MS is trying to eff us over!-officeerror.jpg

    I asked about this and was told:
    • Goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform
    • right click on: OSPPREARM.EXE and 'Run as Adminstrator'

    and this resolved the issue (though I had to do this occasionally). However, the warning window showed up today, so I did as shown above, but nothing. I rebooted my computer, tried again, and again nothing.

    MS is clearly trying to eff us over since they will provide zero support to address this issue. Any suggestions as to what I can try to make this crap go away?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,139
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring


    not sure if this will work, can you goto Programs & Features then Features, (top left)
    in the window that pops up scroll to TLS ensure 1.2 is enabled

    that error code tends to imply a networking setup error, hence the above
    and i read your previous networking problem posts

    for your info you run these scripts, from an admin command mode
    cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\OSPP.VBS" /dstatusall
    cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\OSPP.VBS" /dhistoryacterr

    it would not hurt to run SFC /SCANNOW
    Last edited by torchwood; 11 Apr 2024 at 08:23.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 322
    Windows 7 x64 Pro
    Thread Starter


    Thanks for replying.

    I assume by ‘Programs & Features’, you mean the Control Panel called ‘Programs & Features’. However, once there, I do not see anything called Features. Note that I am running Windows 7. Also, I do not believe that I have any networking issues and the problem described just started happening yesterday (and there have been no changes to anything system related in months or years).

    I found the file ospp.vbs in my C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14 folder. I assume that this is the same file and can be run, but before so doing, I want to check your first point.

    I recently did a SFC /scannow and nothing was found.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,139
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring


    Correct--- as i said the features option is in the top left hand corner.... click on it...
    (all versions of 7/8/10/11 have this option - ControlPanel>Programs & Features - Turn features on/off)

    As your running and having problems with Office 10..... do you also have Office 14 instaIled, now i'm confused
    (could be a multiple version over-ride problem)
    please list Office versions your running

    The 2 scripts are Office 10 dedicated
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 322
    Windows 7 x64 Pro
    Thread Starter

    What I found, and that about which I believe you are writing, is 'Turn Windows features on or off'. Correct? Once that is open, I do not see TLS or anything with those initials. I have several things turned off, and based on your comment, I wonder if any of these matter: Internet Information Services, RIP Listener, SNMP?

    In terms of version: When I go to the help menu of any of the Office apps, I see MS Office Pro 2010. I do have Map Point 2013 installed - maybe that messed things up? I also have Visio 2010 installed and that program has had some issues for a couple of years but it used to be bullet proof. It is possible that at some point in the past I had installed a later version of Office, but I do not remember doing so. When I look in the control panel, I see nothing by Office 2010. I hesitate to uninstall and reinstall given the current licensing issue.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,139
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring



    security - How can one check whether my Windows 7 supports TLS 1.2? - Super User

    IN installed >>Programs<< what is listed NOT program files
    Which Office programs are listed

    please run the 2 scripts, copy/paste the results
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 322
    Windows 7 x64 Pro
    Thread Starter

    I think you are onto something. First, the easy part:
    Control Panel -> Internet Options -> Advanced
    Use TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2: all checked.
    Use SSL 2.0, and 3.0: also all checked

    I then ran the script as you indicated. I won't copy/paste everything here, but this is one example:

    C:\Windows\system32>cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OSPP.VBS" /dstatusall
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    SKU ID: 0993043d-664f-4b2e-a7f1-fd92091fa81f
    LICENSE NAME: Office 14, OfficeVisioPro-Retail2 edition
    LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 14, RETAIL channel
    ERROR CODE: 0xC004F014
    ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available.
    This suggests that the versions got screwed up or something similar. Note that this is running from the Office14 folder. How can this be fixed?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7,139
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring


    PLEASE list(copy/paste) from the >>lnstalled programs window<< what is present Office wise
    i REALLY need to see it

    The script you ran, was changed
    WAS NOT what i asked for

    Product keys are Program/version >SPECIFIC<
    hence the Office 14 UNLICENCED report

    The version of 14 is 32bit, as shown via program files(x86) script
    You must have installed it at some stage or it would'nt be there.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 322
    Windows 7 x64 Pro
    Thread Starter

    The following is from the Installed Programs control panel:
    MS is trying to eff us over!-officeversion.jpg

    The ospp.vbs script that I ran is the only one on my computer.

    Are you suggesting that if I can find a product key for version 14 that might resolve the issue? What is the marketing name of V14, i.e., MS Office 20??.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I had the crazy idea that if I used the installation file on a different computer, it would install everything in the Office10 folder as you indicated, and I could simply copy them to my machine. For reasons that I cannot understand, it put everything into the Office14 folder! Note that Office has never before been installed on this other machine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Out of desperation, I finally did this: uninstall Office, reboot, delete various Office folders, reboot, re-install Office. Everything seems to be working properly now.
      My Computer


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