Word 2003 default settings

  1. Posts : 23
    Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

    Word 2003 default settings

    Is there any way to permanently change the default settings? Registry hack maybe? As an example, every time I use it I have to set and reset the page margins. I'd also want to end the cruddy 'segoe' as default choice for pretty much everything I copy/paste, and have 'clear formatting' as the default. Any way(s) to do this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 498
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bits

    In Word there are a normal of settings that have a Default button. You click on it to change the default settings.

    For example, in Word 2003 to change the default page margins:

    1. Select File > Page Setup

    Word 2003 default settings-word1.jpg

    2. You will see the default page margins

    Word 2003 default settings-word2.jpg

    3. Change these margins to what you want the new default to be and click on Default

    Word 2003 default settings-word3.jpg

    4. Click on Yes to confirm the change

    Word 2003 default settings-word4.jpg

    In Word 2003 the default settings are saved in a file called Normal.dot. It is located here:
    C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Normal.dot
    Note it is in a hidden folder called AppData so you have to unhide it to see it.

    Normally you don't care about it or where is. However, if you want to set everything back to the original defaults then just delete Normal.dot. Word will then recreate Normal.dot with the original default settings.
      My Computers


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