I'm a Dinosaur - but gone back to Word 2003
Hi all
I've been struggling with Word 2007 / 2010.
I like the "look and feel" of most of the Office 2010 applications with a significant exception.
I've had to go back to WORD 2003 - I've still got office 2003 installed on a Virtual Machine.
I've got to grips with EXCEL 2010 -- no probs with Excel -- have been using it for ages and the rest of the office suite is fine but for WORD I absolutely HATE the later versions.
I've screwed up so many documents with Word 2007 / 2010 that I've finally said enough is enough and gone back to Word 2003. (Fortunately I always ensure backups of documents so I haven't actually lost them).
I'm not a professional author so I don't need half the options on that new 2007 type menu.
The simplest tasks seem to take forever in Word 2007 / Word 2010 which could be done easily with one or two keystrokes in Word 2003 -- for example hiding and showing gridlines in a table in a word document. Once you've set the style to show the gridlines in Word 2010 how do you hide them again -- easy in Word 2003.
Moving or aligning tables is also a pain -- I move them and then after a mouse click or too the old alignment has re-appeared -- I know it's me but the HELP is of no use at all.
I'm sure I could get it right eventually -- but I haven't got the time or inclination to spend days on learning all the new features of something I don't use apart from a few basic features very much at all.
So MS -- Office 2010 -- OK for EXCEL / Outlook / Powerpoint/ Access and MS Project.
Definitely THUMBS down for Word2007 / 2010.
Word 2003 (as they say in the BBC's Master Chef program --Love it BTW -- "You're staying with us").