Rev Up Music Programs ... This is almost 2009

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    Rev Up Music Programs ... This is almost 2009

    Forgive me for posting a new message about something we discussed the other day. So sorry WMP12 isn't coming for now. I have tried Winamp and J. J. River and Real Player but none of them work right [appeal] for me. Winamp would be good if it played mp4 files, especially the ones I downloaded from youtube, via the keepvid site (good quality and works wikth VLC and many other media players). I can change the colours and tweak the settings. I even make my own skins. Can someone assist me in getting all my video files to work [within the main interface and skin]? I would appreciate it. If I can jump that hurdle then I am free to devote myself to Winamp, etc. Don't care much for J. River Media Jukebox and MC13. They just added a few stuff and are passing it off as new. RealPlayer 10 was good and was a major upgrade to Real Jukebox and Real Audio but really dull and not very creative. Zoom is okay I guess, not very impressive though. VLC is okay for testing files but it doesn't look good and is too simple. I tried Kantaris but didn't like it. Same as GOM Player. I am mainly looking for eye candy with great performance. One more thing about J. River is that it is very expensive. Big turnoff. If anyone knows what I can do to play all video formats in Winamp [latest] let me know ASAP. That is my best choice!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,519
    El Capitan / Windows 10

    You need to learn about "codecs". They are little bits of software that allow media players to learn new formats to play. Your best bet would be to go with something that plays the kitchen sink like mplayer or vlc AND has skins and a library. Try bsplayer (seriously!) Download your favourite media player - BS.Player FREE and PRO - here -
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 576
    Vista X32. Windows 7 32bit

    baarod said:
    You need to learn about "codecs". They are little bits of software that allow media players to learn new formats to play. Your best bet would be to go with something that plays the kitchen sink like mplayer or vlc AND has skins and a library. Try bsplayer (seriously!) Download your favourite media player - BS.Player FREE and PRO - here -
    Does anybody know if any of the Vista "codec packs" work in Windows 7?

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 11 Pro x64 [Latest Release and Release Preview]

    Hi Norm,

    Am running Vista Codec Pack on 6801 x86 and x64, (with the 64 bit extensions), also had them running on both 69x6 builds
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    ive been trying the klite pack and works wonderfully....
    if the mfpmp dosnt know how to play a video it reverts to the ddshow framework....
    (which i have ffdshow for).....
    i also have mov's playing and realvideo on both MPC and WMP 12

    also have the klite 64 bit installed as well
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 576
    Vista X32. Windows 7 32bit

    Barman58 said:
    Hi Norm,

    Am running Vista Codec Pack on 6801 x86 and x64, (with the 64 bit extensions), also had them running on both 69x6 builds
    Thank you kind Sir, a scholar AND a gentleman (two B***s in one)

      My Computer


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