how to improve vlc quality anytips

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  1. Posts : 546

    how to improve vlc quality anytips

    i have a powerfully computer but i want help at all settings to change to get a the best possible quality from vlc thanks
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,241
    Windows 7 Profesional x86, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

    What do you mean by quality? VLC just plays video files. It will play them at the quality by which they were encoded in.

    If you want to play HD stuff and have an issue with frame rates you may want to make VLC the only program running.

    Also make sure your Graphics drivers are up to date.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 546
    Thread Starter

    when i play a video it looks better
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 546
    Thread Starter

    like to improve the encoder quality
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,241
    Windows 7 Profesional x86, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

    Not much other than get higher quality, better videos. Avoid converting videos from one format to another and that kind of thing.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 546
    Thread Starter

    know i mean how to make it look better when it is playing on vlc like what settings do i can to make it better
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,241
    Windows 7 Profesional x86, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

    Wicca said:
    know i mean how to make it look better when it is playing on vlc like what settings do i can to make it better
    You aren't getting the hint.

    There is very little you can do to make the video look better while being played in VLC (bar finding a better codec, but the one bundled with VLC is pretty dang good).

    The main variable on how to make videos look better is how well they've been encoded in the first place.

    You can play around with Gamma settings and the like if you really want to but the default settings are default for a reason.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 546
    Thread Starter

    yes but i notice a better quality difference when i enable post process to 6 i want to maximum vlc to play at it's highest quality like i don't care if they only add a bit i just what to know all the options to use to improve the playback of videos on vlc whether it be using effects or trying to improve encoding to make it look better when i am playing stuff
    also enableing yadiff by 2 improve the quality so i want all option to improve it please
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 200
    Vista Business x64

    I have played around with the settings you refer to and even though they seem to make a difference it is minimal. It also seems to vary depending on the video or file type of the video and how it was encoded (some movies looked better with post processing 6 and some with 0). I would just play around with the settings briefly for each video you want to watch and see what looks best to you.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 546
    Thread Starter

    yes but any setting to change to improve
      My Computer

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