It asks you if you want this feature when you install it. Did you miss that?
You sound like a grump old man. LOL.
Frankly, I like WMP12 it does what I want it to do. WMP10 caused me no end of issues, I think i can think of about 5 files (out of 2000 odd media files that I have) which WMP12 won't play. For those I use VLC.
I get what you mean about the controls though, they are a bit all over the shop. This is why I always just use the "Alt" key, basically everything you want is in those 5 little dropdown menus. I dont know why Microsoft think that "File Edit etc." offends our eyes so much and insists on hiding them away. This is my main gripe with MS Office too. The Ribbon just makes no sense to me at all.
When it doubt, VLC it!