Let me just say that I hate 'em ALL!
WMP12 - just poor, despite it's good sides
Winamp - overbloated, buggy crap
Songbird - open source bugged RAM-hog
foobar - Please read this 356 page manual to learn how to set the damn thing up. You want skins? Here's vol. 2!
iTunes - *twitches and shivers*
Zune - no HE-AAC support of any kind, pretty version of WMP (bleh)
MediaMonkey - I'm NOT fat, I'm just big boned (placed in all the wrong places)
Helium Music Manager - lagggggg
aTunes - Java, lol
jetAudio - if you hate music and want to give your friends a shot on your music collection, go right ahead, drag them into hell
Media Jukebox - just... no
Quintessential Media Player - wish I could be blind just thinking about it
Real Player - what's this? you have other processes besides Real? Let me kill those for you
i.e. music players, both for Windows (and those found on Linux) are crap! The only thing I even remotely enjoyed using is Helium Music Manager, which is an amazing piece of software despite it's laggy flaws, Sony Media Go, which is like Sony's version of WMP (music+videos+pictures).
The only thing I haven't tried yet (that may be worth trying) us MusicBee. Looks promising, but seeing as how I am (quite clearly) very picky, I doubt its capabilities already xD