Pink Screen

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  1. Posts : 258
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (desktop) / x64 (laptop)

    Pink Screen

    Hi all. I'm having trouble with the PC right now. The screen suddenly turned pink after watching some movies using Media Player Classic. I'm using K-Lite codec with it. Anyone knows how to fix this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    Do you have the open source MediaPortal also installed by any chance? Some people have reported pink screens when that utility interferes with MPC.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 258
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (desktop) / x64 (laptop)
    Thread Starter

    marsmimar said:
    Do you have the open source MediaPortal also installed by any chance? Some people have reported pink screens when that utility interferes with MPC.
    I don't think I do. All I'm using alongside MPC is the K-Lite Codec. .
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    Couple of things you can try. First, I'd do a System Restore and take your machine back to a point in time BEFORE the pink screens started.

    System Restore

    One important warning about System Restore: it will uninstall programs and drivers that were installed after the date of the selected restore point. In other words, if you installed MPC on 12/24 (just as an example) but restore your machine to 12/23 or earlier, MPC will no longer be on the machine.

    Second thing to try is another widely used free player called VLC. It plays just about anything without the need for extra codec packs. See if the pink screen problem is solved. If it is, then you might have a corrupt MPC or K-lite. You could always uninstall the current versions and reinstall fresh.

    VideoLAN - VLC: Free streaming and multimedia solutions for all OS!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,466
    Windows 10 Education 64 bit

    CRT screen?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 258
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (desktop) / x64 (laptop)
    Thread Starter

    alphanumeric said:
    CRT screen?
    Yes, I'm currently using one. It has a built-in speaker that's why. I'm thinking also that it's the monitor that is causing the pink screen. .
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 258
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (desktop) / x64 (laptop)
    Thread Starter

    marsmimar said:
    Couple of things you can try. First, I'd do a System Restore and take your machine back to a point in time BEFORE the pink screens started.

    System Restore

    One important warning about System Restore: it will uninstall programs and drivers that were installed after the date of the selected restore point. In other words, if you installed MPC on 12/24 (just as an example) but restore your machine to 12/23 or earlier, MPC will no longer be on the machine.

    Second thing to try is another widely used free player called VLC. It plays just about anything without the need for extra codec packs. See if the pink screen problem is solved. If it is, then you might have a corrupt MPC or K-lite. You could always uninstall the current versions and reinstall fresh.

    VideoLAN - VLC: Free streaming and multimedia solutions for all OS!
    I didn't install anything prior to the pink screen issue. I was just watching some movies when it suddenly occurred. I'm thinking it's the CRT monitor that causes this since this monitor I'm using right now is old. Good thing we have a spare of LCD screen monitor at home. I'll go update this thread if whether changing the monitor fixes the issue.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,466
    Windows 10 Education 64 bit

    I've seen that happen on CRT monitors when they get old and one of the color guns begins to fail. The screen seems to wash out in one color. Its actually the absence of one. One of the three Red Green or Blue color guns is packing it in. It can also happen if the cable is loose at the connector on the video card, or one of the wires inside is broken. If its just a loose connector thats an easy fix, so double check it before you recycle the monitor. Its also possible that its the video card, but swapping monitors will confirm that. If your spare monitor turns pink then its a problem in the PC. I'd be very surprised if that happens though, my moneys on the old CRT being the culprit.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 258
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (desktop) / x64 (laptop)
    Thread Starter


    It is the monitor that has the problem. The CRT screen is probably too old. I'm using a different monitor now.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 258
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (desktop) / x64 (laptop)
    Thread Starter

    alphanumeric said:
    I've seen that happen on CRT monitors when they get old and one of the color guns begins to fail. The screen seems to wash out in one color. Its actually the absence of one. One of the three Red Green or Blue color guns is packing it in. It can also happen if the cable is loose at the connector on the video card, or one of the wires inside is broken. If its just a loose connector thats an easy fix, so double check it before you recycle the monitor. Its also possible that its the video card, but swapping monitors will confirm that. If your spare monitor turns pink then its a problem in the PC. I'd be very surprised if that happens though, my moneys on the old CRT being the culprit.
    You are right. I'm using a different monitor now.
      My Computer

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