Automatic Updating of Album Info on Rip in WMP12

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64-bit

    Automatic Updating of Album Info on Rip in WMP12

    Hi there,

    For some reason my WMP12 has stopped autofinding album information when i put the cd in and I have to right click on the cd and 'Find Album Info' manually for each cd... as I'm trying to do different things whilst I'm ripping my cds it is becoming a bit of a pain.

    It used to do this automatically, and even after searching the settings and options panels I can't get it to work again.

    Anybody else have this same problem?

    Any fixes...?

    (Ironically, in Windows Media Centre, it will find the Album Art but not update the Album Info leaving it as 'Unknown Album'... strange)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    This is the problem I'm having! Mine is an even bigger problem though because even when I do the right click it brings up the album info but it doesn't add the info to WMP for me. I've tried even typing the info in myself but once I've turned WMP off all the info I've put in has disappeared & I can't even find the ripped CD under unknown. Any help welcome it's really beginning to annoy me
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,292
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Not to burst your bubble, but ripping with WMP is a bad idea. The naming scheme is as basic as iTunes, and unless you're ripping to WMA, you should definitely use another software solution for MP3s, because WMP (again, much like iTunes) uses a rather poor MP3 encoder that is less efficient than, for example, the LAME MP3 bundle. For ripping CDs, I would recommend using Exact Audio Copy with the LAME MP3 encoder.
    LAME has been proven over and over again to be the best MP3 encoder available for ripping music. I think EAC has autotagging features, but if not, you can always use MP3Tag.
      My Computer


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