Grainy Video playback on DLNA Client
Hope this has not already been posted.
I have many ripped movies stored on my hard drive. I have set up Windows Media Player 12/media sharing on my machine so I can stream the movies to a DLNA client via my local network. The client I’m using to receive these streams is a Sony BDP BX57 BluRay player which has built in wifi and Certified DLNA. The DLNA (Sony BX57) client sees the WMP12 server and I am able to easily play my streamed movies on my TV through this client in their correct aspect ratios.
The problem is that the movies are quite “grainy” or pixilated when viewed on the TV through this DLNA client when I’m using WMP 12 as the media server. They appear perfect in WMP when I view them on my actual PC but grainy when viewing on my TV through streaming.
I’ve tried two different formats: AVI/Xvid and Mp4/H.264. The results are the same.
I’ve used Twonky and PlayOn media servers on this same machine to stream to the same client and the video is not grainy when using these servers (Note: these two servers don’t yield the correct aspect ratio though). Only when using the WMP 12 as the server do I get grainy results on remote playback.
I have the ffdshow codec pack on this PC but I’m not sure if that’s what WMP12 is using or if it has its own codecs for these formats.
To sum up: Streaming from WMP12 = Grainy/Pixilated. Streaming from Twonky or PlayOn = Clear but wrong aspect ratio.
I would like to use WMP12 to serve my movies because it’s native to my system and seems to be very stable. Twonky and PlayOn are good but they cost and they don’t get the aspect right.
Any advice on how to stream from WMP12 to this DNLA client without the grainyness would be appreciated.