Music files take awhile to open

  1. Posts : 1
    64 bit windows 7

    Music files take awhile to open

    When ever I open a folder on my HP Pavilion it takes forever as if my Hard Drive is full, but it is not even 1/4 full. Even when I open my Outlook and go from Inbox to Deleted folder is says loading. It just seems like the PC is always searching thru a billion files to open what I need. Sorry if I am not explaining it right.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,608
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit SP1

    What's running at startup and in the background? Some third party software, such as Nero, run their own indexing process, bogging down your computer.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,781
    Win 7 32 Home Premium, Win 7 64 Pro, Win 8.1, Win 10

    You may want to d/l this program to have a look at all the stuff running in the background

    Process Explorer

    Ever wondered which program has a particular file or directory open? Now you can find out. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
    Another thing, as Jacee said, is to find out what is running at startup. In the run box, type msconfig, go to the startup tab and see what all is loading. Chances are things like Quicktime, Adobe Reader and several other unneeded programs are loading. Unchecking these will speed up the system, however be cautious not to disable anything needed. If in doubt, Google it or ask in this forum.

    In general, you do not need, for example, Adobe to load at every start up. If you need to utilize that software, double clicking on a Adobe file will still launch it. The only difference is, it won't be consistently running in the background, draining system resources.
    Last edited by Borg 386; 31 Dec 2010 at 16:53.
      My Computer


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