Netflix/Silverlight fullscreen problem

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  1. Posts : 1
    windows 7

    mchance818 said:
    I was able to get Silverlight to stay in full screen mode. When Netflix is NOT in full screen mode, just right click, click on Silverlight. Go to the Permissions tab and allow Full-screen: stay full-screen when unfocused.
    If this doesn't work, remove the permission, then go back to Netflix and restore the full screen mode. It'll bring up the original pop up to allow full screen while off focus.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1

    how to actually do it

    go to the silverlight options for netflix (right click the enter full screen mode) then permissions and remove the netflix line. then restart chrome and open the full screen mode on the second monitor and the option should pop up and it will remain functioning
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    still an issue!

    I have had this problem for months and it is NOT a simple permissions issue! As someone has shown earlier, there is no existing permission set for Netflix on my computer ( ad3e2fcc6a9ab87b8ce6dd83986dcb4e.png ). I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything that could possibly be related. Netflix will not ask to stay fullscreen on Chrome, IE, or Firefox. Every other website with a Silverlight player WILL ask to stay fullscreen. It is something on Netflix's end, that's the only possibility I can think of. Conveniently, Netflix has no way to report this issue to them.

    Kind of a workaround I have recently figured out, is to F11 fullscreen the browser and CTRL+minus to zoom way out of the page so the Netflix controls become tiny while the video takes up the gained space. Practically fullscreen.

    It's unfortunate that this isn't a more common problem, I'm doubting it will ever be fixed at this point....I've been dealing with this on my new laptop since around August. Old laptop had no issues with Netflix.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,668
    Windows 7 x64

    You can only hope microsoft will weed it out in future silverlight updates.
    They are still pretty constant at this time.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    windows 7 Home premium 64 bit

    I got it working

    In order for this to work, I had to have the silverlight property set AND my chrome window could not be full size. I slightly shrank my chrome window, clicked on full screen and then could work on my second monitor while the netflix silverlight window remained full screen.

    I have windows 7, premium home edition, 64 bit.

    Good luck
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,668
    Windows 7 x64

    disabling the aero desktop features also seems to work for some people.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1
    windows 7

    Full screen mode.

    I have an asus laptop. Top of the line and a 1080p screen and for a little while i was having troubles too but i found out how to get it to work.

    Only reason fullscreen gets taken off is because it was probably a tab part of the chrome window you opened to begin with.

    If you exit netflix (if opened), and open a separate new window and just go on netflix on that window (netflix only for separate window). You should be able to do fullscreen with no problem. If you go down to taskbar it should show two windows for netflix one thats black (original page) and the fullscreen thats actually playing.

    It worked for me everytime as long as netflix is opened on a new chrome. If opened as a tab from original window, it will take off fullscreen because i believe it thinks your working on something else on that same window. Something like that.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64 bit

    i too had the problem with netflix where netflix would not stay full in screen. once i updated my video card driver i no longer had the problem.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3
    windows 7 Home premium 64 bit

    Already updated video drivers

    Still only works in Chrome, and only if I do it 'just' right.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3
    windows 7 Home premium 64 bit

    Doesn't work

    Doesn't work. This is sad. People have been using dual monitors as long as I've been using computers ... over 40 years. Microsoft was one of the big pushers to get engineers more productive with 2-4 monitors each; yet decades later they fail to provide simple code to make this work easily, and every time.

    Last month I bought an Iphone, amazing. Next month and ipad, and when I graduate in two years NOTHING but mac. MS has had decades to be user friendly.

    jimmy141 said:
    I have an asus laptop. Top of the line and a 1080p screen and for a little while i was having troubles too but i found out how to get it to work.

    Only reason fullscreen gets taken off is because it was probably a tab part of the chrome window you opened to begin with.

    If you exit netflix (if opened), and open a separate new window and just go on netflix on that window (netflix only for separate window). You should be able to do fullscreen with no problem. If you go down to taskbar it should show two windows for netflix one thats black (original page) and the fullscreen thats actually playing.

    It worked for me everytime as long as netflix is opened on a new chrome. If opened as a tab from original window, it will take off fullscreen because i believe it thinks your working on something else on that same window. Something like that.
      My Computer

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