Windows Photo Gallery "Modified" date
I've used Picasa for years, and loved everything about it.
In the past few months, however, I've also been trying to try and use more Windows programs, like jumping on the new address and SkyDrive, but I have a big nitpick issue when I try and use Windows Photo Gallery. I love that it can also do similar features like face tagging and geo tagging, but I've noticed that, unlike Picasa, which doesn't actually change any data about the file itself, Windows Photo Gallery will update every picture's "Modified" date.
This irks me because before I discovered Windows Easy Transfer, which preserves all the original data about a file, I had always dragged folders/files to external hard drives to transfer computers, which creates new "Created" dates, but left the "Modified" date as the original created date, before the dragging.
Is there some setting on Windows Photo Gallery which will prevent it from updating every picture's "Modified on" date?
The only thing I've done is tag faces. Other than that, I haven't made any edits to any pictures that would change their "Modified" date.
Is it somehow modifying the pictures in some aspect I'm not aware of?