Can I Go Back To An Earlier Time With WMP?
I'm wondering if I can go back to an earlier date with WMP? I accidently clicked on the wrong "button" and completely messed up my music library. I would like to go back to a couple of days before that happened to "undo" the mistake. How can I go about doing this?
I was trying to fix a problem with tracks that I had ripped from a CD. I clicked on "Include All", thinking it meant all tracks of that one CD. Instead, my entire music library ended up being shredded, for lack of a better term, right before my eyes.
All of my mp3 downloads were re-imported and the volume was re-levelled. Now they sound strange because the volume had already been levelled once when I included them in my library the first time. All of the cassettes that I had imported from Audacity were in my library as albums, but now have been separated into individual tracks and scattered about, now listed as "Unknown Artist". The same happened to some CD's that had been ripped. Also, the album art has disappeared from many.
I would sure appreciate any help you can give me.:)