Different "Date" on Sim Card than on Hard Drive

  1. Posts : 2
    Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit

    Different "Date" on Sim Card than on Hard Drive

    I am trying to copy some photos (jpg's) from my hard drive to a sim card for display in digital frame. In the past (before Win 7), the date shown in Explorer for a photo on the hard drive was the same as the date shown in Explorer for the copied file on the sim card. Now, they are different! The date on the hard drive in Explorer is the "date taken" for the photo, while the date on the sim card in Explorer appears to be the "date modified." Obviously, this messes up the order of the photos being displayed on the digital frame. I tried Robocopy (both command line and GUI) as well as some other software before figuring out that the problem lay with the different types of dates being displayed. I can't seem to modify Explorer to show the "date taken" on the sim card. Hope some of you can help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Windows 7 cannot recognize a image file outside Pictures directory

    In a previous post, I was trying to find out why a jpg copied from the Pictures directory to a sim card had a different date on it on the sim card. Now I've determined that in Win 7 (but not in previous versions of Windows), if you copy a jpg from the Pictures directory to another directory, say Documents, Win 7 no longer shows the date taken but reverts to the date modified. It seems that it can't figure out that the file is photo once it's out of the Pictures directory! Has anybody else seen this behavior?
    Last edited by Brink; 15 Jun 2014 at 19:29. Reason: Moved to original thread
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,519
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit, Mac OS X 10.10, Linux Mint 17, Windows 10 Pro TP

    That seems to be a typical action of Win7 as mine does it also, as long as pictures are in/remain in the Pictures Folder and its subFolders there is no issue.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,458
    x64 (6.3.9600) Win8.1 Pro & soon dual boot x64 (6.1.7601) Win7_SP1 HomePrem

    Folders are "typed" (General, Pictures, Music, Videos) and the default presentation for the type of folder is how files are shown.

    You can set the type of a folder on the properties page / customize tab
    Right click a folder, select properties, press the customize tab, select folder type.

    There's another issue that you sort of discovered and that is the date field (not modified, not created, just date). I stopped trying to figure out what that meant after a round discussion.

    Berton is almost right - images don't have to stay in the Pictures folder tree, but they should (using the term should loosely) be in a folder that is customized for pictures. Windows might figure that out if there's nothing put images in the folder - it takes a while for Windows to figure it out though.

    There's also been a discussion on what happens to the date field when files are copied. I also forget the outcome of that discussion.

    The best I can offer is to suggest that you play around with a few test folders, one for each "type"

    Customize each one for the type of file it will hold.
    copy some files into each one and see how the files are presented when you explore the folder.

    Does that help your situation - nope. But the picture still contains the metadata with the date taken and other attributes the camera stored with the image. These can be shown by adding a column to the folder.

    Confused? I was until I played around with it, then I forgot all about it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 259
    windows 7 ultimate x64

    With the pics on the sim card listed in Explorer right click on the Columns bar, click on More and you should now be able to choose Date taken somewhere down the list.
      My Computer


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