Low Memory Error When Playing DVDs With Windows Media Player
Hey everyone, for the past few days, I have been having a rather irritating issue with playing DVDs with Windows Media Player. The operating system I am running is Windows 7 Home Premium x64. Whenever playing a DVD with Windows Media Player, all I receive is an error telling me, "Your computer is running low on memory. Quit other programs, and then try again." I checked Task Manager, and noticed that I do have around 1.40 to 1.79 GB memory used out of 3.00 GB; however, closing applications running in the background doesn't seem to free up much memory, at least not enough to clear the error. I did try rebuilding the player's database and running Command Prompt as an administrator entering the string "for %a in (%systemroot%\system32\wm*.dll) do regsvr32 /s %a," but neither seemed to fix the issue. I also tried running the DVD through Windows Media Center and received a message saying it couldn't play the DVD. This time it actually showed the DVD menu, but displayed the error after exiting the DVD menu. I'm not sure what else to try. If anyone replies back, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! :)
Last edited by MusikCat; 23 Jul 2016 at 17:41.