Intermittent loss of internet connection

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 7 home premium

    Intermittent loss of internet connection

    I have a problem where I lose connection to the internet for usually only about 10-30 seconds and then it reconnects. This happens about every 5 minutes and sometimes even more frequently. Roadrunner has been out twice and replaced all the cables and the modem which did not work. I have the problem when going through both the router and a direct connect from the modem. The lights on the modem stay on throughout the losses. I am running under Windows 7 Home Premium on an ASUS i7 920 with a Realtek PCIe GBE network adapter. This is driving me crazy so any help would be greatly appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    mzoellner said:
    I have a problem where I lose connection to the internet for usually only about 10-30 seconds and then it reconnects. This happens about every 5 minutes and sometimes even more frequently. Roadrunner has been out twice and replaced all the cables and the modem which did not work. I have the problem when going through both the router and a direct connect from the modem. The lights on the modem stay on throughout the losses. I am running under Windows 7 Home Premium on an ASUS i7 920 with a Realtek PCIe GBE network adapter. This is driving me crazy so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Are you by chance running "homegroup" for networking. It has on some systems a connectivity issue. It uses IPv6 which on some hardware (especially older hware) does have connectivity and latency problems You can test that by making a new new nettork connection using "workgroup" instead. If it works you then can disable IPv6 and kill homegroup.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,963
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit

    How many splitters are between the main cable line and your modem? The modem requires a pretty good signal, and each splitter weakens that signal.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2
    windows 7 home premium
    Thread Starter

    When the tech was out he did eliminate an extra splitter that was in the wall, now I only have one, for cable tv and Roadrunner. As far as the homegroup solution, since posting I now know that the problem must be somewhere further up the line with Roadrunner. I have an XBox 360 connected to my router also and just checked and am having problems with that also. That eliminates my PC as being the culprit. Thanks for the input though. I guess yet another call to Roadrunner is in order.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,963
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit

    I had this exact problem when I had cable internet. After asking around it seemed that for some people cable internet runs great, and for everyone else doesn't want to work at all half the time. I know it doesn't help, just want you to know your not to the only one to have these kinds of problems with cable internet.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4,280
    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit / XP Home sp3

    Time Warner pain in the A** we have so many frequent loss of connections they have issued us refunds each month over the last 3 months. They have replaced the Ac adapter first off which we were told they got a bad batch of them, then they replaced the router, then they replaced the Ac adpter again cause it was the wrong millamps.
    It's been better but we just had another lss earlier today due to wildfires near by. All I can say is stay on top of them and if you keep track of your loss of signal they'll refund a little bit of your monthly bill. Hope they figure it out. Fabe
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 62
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    Try running inside a command promt tracert before you loose connection and during the lost.

    This will tell you where your loosing you connection it might be after your router but before it leaves your local ISP. Also as thefabe said keep track of your signal and keep on the ISP
      My Computer


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