PowerShell logon script
Ok, so this doesn't necessarily have to do with Windows 7, but I originally wanted to reply to a post on Vista forums and somehow I ended up here. Anyway...
I actually tried all of this on Windows Server 2008 - set policies, scripts and logged on there.
Here's one way that actually works. 1) created a logonScript.ps1 file with whatever in it for the actual logon script. 2) created GPO with a policy for running a logon script and specified a vbScript file: launcher.vbs. 3) put those two files in the same folder related to the policy if you know what I mean.
The launcher.vbs contains:
' set up objects
Set WshShl = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set scriptFile = fileSys.GetFile("logonScript.ps1")
WshShl.Run("PowerShell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -command ""&{set-executionpolicy Unrestricted;&'" & scriptFile & "'}""")
That last line causes something like:
'PowerShell.exe -NoLogo -NoProfile -command "&{set-executionpolicy Unrestricted;&'\\IT270\sysvol\\Policies\{AAD5280F-A3B7-4F65-B15B-27E6F92BA431}\User\Scripts\Logon\logonScript.ps1'}"
to run.
The one remaining problem is that I still get a prompt asking me if I want to run the script or not. If I set the IE intranet zone trusted sites to have file://IT270 then that prompt goes away. Unfortunately, setting it with Group Policy didn't work. I had to do it manually or individually in any case. I have another idea of how to get around this: copy the script down to the local computer (TEMP directory) with the VBscript and then invoke it from there.
Ok, I know this is all pretty ridiculous and probably way more effort than it's worth, but it's an exercise. I wanted to make it happen and it works with PS v.1. I guess if I wanted to get really ridiculous, I could just drag out the entire script into the command line I created above. Though, it probably has a max characters limit or something.