Setup Home Network in Windows 7

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    Setup Home Network in Windows 7


    I need some help setting up my home network. This is how it works:

    All computers can connect fine to the WiFi I have in my home. Internet also works fine. What I want to do is setup a cable connection between two of the PC's. They should still be able to use the internet on the WIFI but when I copy files vice versa, it should use the cable connection. Any way this is possible.

    Thanks in advanced.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 568
    Win7 x64 Ultimate SP1

    What kind of WiFi connection do you have? Maybe i don't understand you request but most WIFI modems have a built in router.
    If not all you need is a router.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 8,870
    Windows 7 Ult, Windows 8.1 Pro,

    corvitech said:

    I need some help setting up my home network. This is how it works:

    All computers can connect fine to the WiFi I have in my home. Internet also works fine. What I want to do is setup a cable connection between two of the PC's. They should still be able to use the internet on the WIFI but when I copy files vice versa, it should use the cable connection. Any way this is possible.

    Thanks in advanced.
    Nope it's not possible. Windows 7 will choose the wired connection automatically if they are using a wired connection.
      My Computer


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