Sharing internet with crossover

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7

    Sharing internet with crossover

    Hello, I am new to the forums here and was seeking some help. I found a couple posts which looked very promising, but some of the information given doesn't work for me as it appears it did for the OPs. I'll go over my dilemma.

    I'm going to write this out in point form, as I've been all over the place wiht this and very little of it is chronological.

    Desktop wireless card died on me. Purchased a new one, but have about a week before it gets here. Probably should have gone out and bought one from a store. Anyway...

    Have my laptop and desktop connected with a crossover with my laptop (xp) connected to the router wirelessly. I have gotten to a point where they can ping each other fine, but cannot see each other. I've shared folders and rebooted both, but nothing.

    Desktop - Windows 7
    Laptop - Windows XP
    Router ip
    Laptop wireless adapter ip
    Laptop ethernet adapter ip (no particular reason for 103/102)
    Desktop ethernet adapter ip

    I've played with internet connection sharing but have failed to get any connection running on my desktop.

    I've bridged my two connections on my laptop, but when I do that my laptop loses it's ip given by the router and loses internet itself. I've set this up manually, but it still doesn't work. Wireless adapter stays connected to the router, though.

    I don't see the point in using a bridge over ICS in my situation, but I'm not seasoned in this...

    My network is showing as "network 4" on my desktop since I manually entered the default gateway.

    I have rebooted my computer a handful of timed during all of this also.

    I'm heading to sleep now. If anyone knows of a miraculous cure for this headache, I would forever be in your debt.

    Thanks in advance,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows 7
    Thread Starter

    lol... Minutes after posting this I tried a couple things, and for the first time in history, "let windows diagnose the problem" actually worked! DHCP was not enabled? Anyway, it's working now!
      My Computer


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