A problem when you connect the cable internet not working on two ..
salam aleko ,
How are u evrybady
like u Know am From qatar and my english Not So well
but i try to Explane my problem ..
I have a toshiba Labtop ..
and i have internet connctions from the neper
and it's a DSL ..
When I want to hook up the internet to two does not work ..
when i give him a ride while my brother using his work note that the laptop my brother from Lenovo and I'm from Toshiba
I do not know why, but I will explain to you what I do ..
1 - I install Windows ships on the device and go to Device Manager and all definitions found
2 - used almost all the packages and upgrades for Intel and so on, but to no avail
Question says ..
What like that !?
Hope u understand me