"Just got BT Infinity...much better...but i live at the very end of the exchange!! Not complaining though"
Not being funny or anything but are you sure you are on BT infinity? Reason being is BT infinity mim is 12Mb/6Mb ok you not far off with your up but you are way off on your down speed and by rights BT can't charge you for infinity with those speeds so you may have a problem somewhere that needs looking into by BT. You say your at the very end of your exchange? Any idea how far that is? because I'm the same at the end of my exchange, last but 1 cab it's around 4.6km but I'm still getting 78Mb/19Mb. Something not seem right there.
iechyd da
we just had bt infinity installed option 2 FTTH and the engineer brought a bt home hub3 round that was version A, i put my own router on when he had set up the system. with fibre FTTH it dont matter how far you are from the exchange.
Lame. LTE on my cellphone is faster.
I.... hate... my.... mom.....
She dropped our Internet speeds from 20 MBPS, to, if I'm lucky, 1.7 MBPS.... and she's only paying five bucks less... really Mom? I would have given you the five bucks a month
(Sorry if I sound like a whiny baby, but c'mon)