2 comps, 1 router, only 1 can connect.
Hi guys, first time poster here. I apologize if it is not as detailed as it ought to be.
So here's my problem...
Me and my girlfriend just moved into a new apartment, woo. Nice. Anyways we both use our computers heavily in our daily routine. My job during this holiday was to set the router up. Cool great...groovy.... yea not working.
I have both computers set up with a new Ubee modem, to an 8-port linksys wired router. That's all well and good except.. the router only let's me connect ONE computer at a time. It's not the cords, nothing is worn or broke I guess, except for the fact the linksys is a bit vintage.. but I can connect either one, just not both together. Is there any help to be had? Any assistance would be amazing. I've tried disabling, repairing, reconfiguring, all sorts of random things i figured 'hey, couldn't hurt. It's already broke!'.. no such luck.
Would appreciate some feedback, thanks everyone! Happy holidays!