belkin n+

  1. Posts : 50
    windows 7 pro

    belkin n+

    Hi,have just set up a new belkin n+ wireless router,but its driving me mad,have changed from the router supplied from talk talk.the problems i am having is that its saying that its not connected to the internet,but it is,my second problem is that i can connect to the playstation network(wired) but cannot connect to xbox live (wired)have heard alot saying that isp routers are not very good,which is why i bought the belkin,but it is nothing but trouble.any ideas would be very welcome,thats for looking.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    mrobjo said:
    Hi,have just set up a new belkin n+ wireless router,but its driving me mad,have changed from the router supplied from talk talk.the problems i am having is that its saying that its not connected to the internet,but it is,my second problem is that i can connect to the playstation network(wired) but cannot connect to xbox live (wired)have heard alot saying that isp routers are not very good,which is why i bought the belkin,but it is nothing but trouble.any ideas would be very welcome,thats for looking.
    We could use the belkin model number, the network setup, and a pix of ipconfig /all uploaded to us.

    to run type cmd in search>right click and run as admin>ipconfig /all make a screenshot and upload it to us

    Ken J
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 8,870
    Windows 7 Ult, Windows 8.1 Pro,

    mrobjo said:
    Hi,have just set up a new belkin n+ wireless router,but its driving me mad,have changed from the router supplied from talk talk.the problems i am having is that its saying that its not connected to the internet,but it is,my second problem is that i can connect to the playstation network(wired) but cannot connect to xbox live (wired)have heard alot saying that isp routers are not very good,which is why i bought the belkin,but it is nothing but trouble.any ideas would be very welcome,thats for looking.
    Are you certain there is a modem before the router? If you removed the ISP's modem/router you would need to get a regular modem to put in before the router.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 50
    windows 7 pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the replys,its a modem router all in one,the model is f5d8635-4v1.
    have included a screen shopt of router home page,firewall is turned off as this is the only way to connect to xbox live ,also turned off upnp,the router is now showing up as connected at all times thanks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails belkin n+-capture.png  
      My Computer


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