How to calculate estimate Download finished time?

  1. Posts : 406
    windows7 Ultimate SP1 x32bit

    How to calculate estimate Download finished time?

    Can you tell me how to calculate average Download finished time for download? For example i have 1GB file and my connection is 512Kbps so how do i calculate this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 752

    512 kbps / 8 is about 64kb/s in real download speed.. but that is theorical.. and if you're constant on that speed... let's say 60kb/s you will download your file in

    5hrs 25mins

    But there's an easier way, download the file and you'll see on the browser the estimated download time... much much easier than do the number for yourself
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 406
    windows7 Ultimate SP1 x32bit
    Thread Starter

    So how to calculate it?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,009
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    Very simple: 512kiloBIT per second divided by 8 (because 8 bit = 1 byte) equals 64 KiloBYTES per second
    1Gigabyte divided by 64 Kilobytes = 15625 Seconds divided by 3600 (there are 3600 seconds per hour)= 4,340 hrs = ~4hrs:20 minutes
    But since that would be the best possible rate, reality would be closer to what Punkster wrote...depending on your ISP even more

    Last edited by SledgeDG; 01 Jan 2011 at 10:01.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 406
    windows7 Ultimate SP1 x32bit
    Thread Starter

    SledgeDG said:
    Very simple: 512kiloBIT per second divided by 8 (because 8 bit = 1 byte) equals 64 KiloBYTES per second
    1Gigabyte divided by 64 Kilobytes = 15625 Seconds divided by 3600 (there are 3600 seconds per hour)= 4,340 hrs = ~4hrs:20 minutes
    But since that would be the best possible rate, reality would be closer to what Punkster wrote...depending on your ISP even more

    Many thanks for both of your answers! i think there's something wrong in "SledgeDG" statistics. If I'm wrong please correct tell me!

    I think you told me this kind of thing!

    SledgeDG said:

    1GB=1024 MB

    1024MB × 1024MB = 1048576 Kb

    1048576Kb ÷ 64KB = 16384 KB

    16384KB ÷ 3600seconds = 4.55 Hrs.
    Last edited by killer bee; 02 Jan 2011 at 06:45.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    killer bee said:
    i think there's something wrong in "SledgeDG" statistics. If I'm wrong please correct tell me!

    I think you told me this kind of thing!

    SledgeDG said:

    1GB=1024 MB

    1024MB × 1204MB = 1048576 Kb

    1048576Kb ÷ 64KB = 16384 KB

    16384KB ÷ 3600seconds = 4.55 Hrs.
    There is a minor typo in the above. It's 1024 MB not 1204 MB.

    But that is the gist of it.

    The estimated time readings can be misleading.

    A file that actually takes an hour to download might show a calculated time of only 20 minutes to go right after you start and might say 3 hours to go a few minutes later. Your download speed at any given moment affects the calculation and the calculation is constantly being updated.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 406
    windows7 Ultimate SP1 x32bit
    Thread Starter

    OK i think now its OK!
      My Computer


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