Lan adapter component access

  1. Posts : 3
    7 64 enterprise

    Lan adapter component access

    HI! Anybody known how activate access for lan adapter components in standard user.
    Access is needed for one programm for web filtering, its works only on administrators acc, but on standard user failing - cant initialize.
    thanks for advices.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Lan adapter component access-lan.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,588
    Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

    not sure if I understood you right, but try right clicking the program and click run as administrator, and if a password prompt pops up, enter the administrator's password. unless you're trying something else
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    7 64 enterprise
    Thread Starter

    yes this works. before i switched off uac and it do not asked me password. but little problem still left. auto startup do not working for this programm (it is important for me).auc blocks it. I can start it only manualy with admin pass.
    So how i can give to this programm administrator privilege right for automatic usage(that do not need fill in box administrator password) or allow standard user use lan adapter components drivers by default
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,588
    Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

    You have UAC turned completely OFF and you still have this problem? Hmm. The program is possibly only configured for higher privlages, and so it must require an administrator account. I don't think there is any other way...

    unless you want to try this: you can right click on the program (while on the administrator account), select properties again, then go into security tab, click "Edit...", click "Add...", then type your standard user account name exactly (You will have to let me know if this step works). Once it is added into the Group or user names: section, click on it (The limited account user name), and at the bottom with all those check boxes, click full control, then hit ok.

    However, I am not sure this will solve your problem with it not starting up with the computer. It should only be configurable to do that in the program itself and I doubt windows can do anything about it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    7 64 enterprise
    Thread Starter

    so i have done with my problem with Task Scheduler and this FAQ

    Elevated Program Shortcut without UAC Prompt - Create

    main problem was UAC.

    Thanks for all advices
      My Computer


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