Only Partially Connected to Internet
(I don' know where this belongs, having not previously encountered the problem.)
I noted early today that SuperAntiSpyware would not update, saying the firewall was at fault; analyzed that, did not fix the problem.
After rebooting, I got a message about Protexis Licensing Service having crashed, needing to be updated, and I tried to download the file. However, apparently Free Download Manager cannot connect. This Service is showing as running in Control Panel/Services.
I also noted that AllMyBooks will not contact the Internet; it says to check my Internet settings.
Found link to the file through a search here, downloaded and ran file, no help. I'll log off, reboot, see if anything has been fixed.
[EDIT] A search here found me the link to the file, which I ran, but which did no good. I'll log off, reboot, see if that fixes the problem.
In addition to rebooting, I've restarted the Protexis Service, I've unplugged the modem and the router, to no avail.
Last edited by Not Myself; 03 Jan 2011 at 17:37. Reason: Additonal Informatoin: FOund file through search here, downloaded/ran, no improvement. I'll log off, reboot, report.