W7 can't connect to shares on w2k3?
Hi all,
I've got the following setup;
- w2k3 server (connected with UTP on LAN)
- laptop XP Pro (connected with WiFi on LAN)
- PC1 XP Pro (connected with UTP on LAN)
- PC2 W7 Ult. 32bit (connected with UTP on LAN)
Although I've got w2k3 server, I do not have a domain set up.
I work in a workgroup called: MSHOME
All of the above have this workgroup set.
The w2k3 server has numerous shares (hidden and unhidden) with permissions (everyone full control) set.
The XP Pro machines can connect without a problem (shares are connected with an admin account that's on the w2k3 server).
The shares can be accessed and used by the XP Pro machines.
The W7 machine can't connect to these shares.
I tried the following lines to connect to the shares;
Each time I try I use this option to insert a admin account from the w2k3 server;
Like \\server\account and pass.
After I insert the account info above and press finish, W7 pops a window in which I have to insert the login cred. again.
W7 gives an error that I cannot connect due the lack of permission.
When I go to the 'network' with the Windows Explorer, I see the server. Double clicking it... makes the same login screen popup as above.
In my Network and sharing center I´ve got this setup;
* Turned on network discovery
* Turned on file and printer sharing
* Turned on Public sharing
* File Sharing Connections set to 40- pr 56-bit encryption
* Turned off Password protected sharing
Firewall is turned off and my network is set as a home network.
Breaking my neck here to solve this issue as my .pst etc. is located on a share...