Windows can't find any connections

  1. Posts : 57
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

    Windows can't find any connections

    Hi. I just installed windows 7 on this computer I found in the basement. It's working fine except the fact that I can't get any internet connection on it. At first the integrated network card wasn't found, so I just put in an old PCI card I found, which worked for some days. When I turned my computer on today it still had the connection (under "change adapter settings"), but it was disconnected nomather how many times I plugged and unplugged the cable. I have after that tried three different PCI cards and it can no longer find a connection of any kind, not even in the device manager (even though windows sais "this device is ready to use" after I have rebooted").

    The last thing I tried was to install a wireless PCI card which thankfully worked, but hooking up to my neighboor's poor signal strength is not a solution I want :P Can Anyone help me?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 966
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Your network card is probably toast, to be honest. Either pick up a new NIC from NewEgg or somewhere similar for $20 or get wireless router. :P
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 57
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
    Thread Starter

    So just by coinsidence two of my pci cards and the integrated card became toast at the same time?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 966
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Plecto said:
    So just by coinsidence two of my pci cards and the integrated card became toast at the same time?
    Could also be a bad slot on the board. You did dig the computer out of your basement. Basements are typically less than ideal conditions for a pc of any kind.
      My Computer


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