Linksys E3000 disconnecting every 50 min?

  1. Posts : 142
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    Linksys E3000 disconnecting every 50 min?

    I recently bought a linksys E3000 router and has been working great for a couple of weeks. Then yesterday it started to disconnect like every 50min? I would have to go into the router settings and just change back to dhcp from static then go back, then it would reconnect? Expensive router and never had any problems with my dlink.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,280
    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit / XP Home sp3

    I had experienced the same thing only with a Netgear. Finally I called Timewarner and they came out and changed out the Ac adapter and the problem was resolved.
    Evidently they had got a bad batch of them and they were over heating and causing the broken connection.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 142
    Windows 7 Ultimate
    Thread Starter

    when i plug it directly into my cable modem it works no problem. I know the router gets hot so i pul a lift underneathe with a hard drive cooler fan underneath to keep it cool. Defiently not a power cord issue.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    To bring this thread back to life I just got a Linksys E3000 and it seems to be running tad too hot. Should I be concerned of is this normal for the unit. My older WRTG45GS didn't run near as hot as this one does

    Incidentally I found this thread doing a Google search on the issue.
      My Computer


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