No Internet Access!

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Premium 64 bit

    No Internet Access!

    Before i recently installed a new windows update on my Dell Inspiron 15R, my internet worked completely fine. Once updated though, my computer can no longer connect to my wifi, it finds the network fine but cannot connect,
    I have disconnected and reconnected the network, unplugged the modem, and reset it but nothing. The two other laptops in my house are able to access the network fine and connect to the internet, only seems to be my own.
    i have restored my computer 3 times to before i installed the windows update and my internet comes back, but once i install the update it goes back out.

    any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Restore your settings and then block the update. Change the Windows Update settings to check for updates but let me choose which to install. Then when Windows looks for updates it`ll tell you and you can then select which to update. Find the one that`s causing the problem and right click on it and select `Hide this update`.

    Which update is causing the problem?
      My Computer

  3. 2xg
    Posts : 2,377
    Win7 & Win8 64bit


    See if System Restore helps, restore it to a point where it was working and you were able to connect.
    System Restore

    Please post back if this helps you or not.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64

    2xg, he said he's already done that successfully 3 times.
      My Computer

  5. 2xg
    Posts : 2,377
    Win7 & Win8 64bit

    Thanks Ztruker...I must have overlooked.
    i have restored my computer 3 times to before i installed the windows update and my internet comes back, but once i install the update it goes back out.
    Please try the following recommendations:

    Remove all wireless profiles stored from your computer and re-connect to your wireless network, make sure that you have the correct encryption needed if your wireless is secured.
    Easy Way to Delete Wireless Network Profile in Windows 7

    Any Security Software installed - Norton, McAfee or similar? Please disable it for now.

    If that didn't do the trick please provide an ipconfig /all:
    Click on Start => in run or search box type cmd press enter choose Run as Admin. From the black screen (command prompt), type the word ipconfig /all and press enter. Right click on the black screen or Command prompt then choose Select All and Paste the results here.
      My Computer


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