Sharing through an unjoined domain

  1. Posts : 14
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    Sharing through an unjoined domain

    So, at my school i want to plug my laptop in and allow clients to get files from a windows file share. The clients are part of a domain that I'm not allowed to join. I have chosen to allow "Everyone" from my own computer (all that i can add for access rights) to have read only access to the share. they can access my computer, they just cant access the share (access denied).

    how can i allow ANYONE who is a part of the domain that I'm not a part of to access the share?

    or is this some kind of "security risk" that has been taken into consideration by micro$oft?
      My Computer

  2. 2xg
    Posts : 2,377
    Win7 & Win8 64bit

    Hi skibbli,

    You have mentioned this:
    'The clients are part of a domain that I'm not allowed to join.'

    You should consult the School's IT people regarding your issue.
      My Computer


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