Can see the homegroup but cannot join it
I have three computers in my home network:
2 are running Win7 Home Premium 32bit edition &
1 is running Win7 Home Premium 64bit editions
One of 32bits was an upgrade from Vista and the two others were clean installs. I created the homegroup on the 64bit machine and I was able to join the homegroup from one of the 32bit(clean install) machines. However, the other 32bit machine is able to see the homegroup but cannot join. Based on the various thread on forum here is some additional piece of infromation on the machine that cannot connect:
1) I removed Norton 360 from the machine. It is now running Microsoft Security Essentails just like the other two machines. Created the homegroup times 3 after removing Norton 360 ver 4, with no luck.
2) I can see teh other two machines over the Network and even share resources(not through the homegroup)
3) Connects to network wirelessly
4) Has a fixed IP address.
I have done all the recommeded troubleshooting synchronizing time, Network Type is "Home", Network Discovery is on etc.
Please advice.