Remote desktop connection issues -> console session

  1. Posts : 189
    Windows 10 Pro / OpenSUSE

    Remote desktop connection issues -> console session


    Very recently I started having a problem with the remote desktop where it says the following message:

    "Your computer could not connect to another console session on the remote computer because you already have a console session in progress."

    What I am trying to do is to access my Vista Ultimate computer using my Windows 7 Ultimate computer, and have been doing so this way for more than a year. All of a sudden I start getting the message that I have quoted. I do not know why it started doing that.

    As well, going in the Users tab of task manager you can see there that I am logged in as a console user.

    Please advise.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 189
    Windows 10 Pro / OpenSUSE
    Thread Starter

    Please disregard this, I'm stupid and did not see that the router changed the IP of the devices. Never bothered making them static but I guess I probably should.
      My Computer


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