little bit annoying CONNECTION problem!

  1. Posts : 130
    Windows 7, 64Bit

    little bit annoying CONNECTION problem!

    as you can see in the attachment files;
    in basic view there is no problem, but in the full map view there is
    ( not good connection ) between mylaptop & the modem.

    at first i didn't really care about;
    but some times the i can't open any sites, wait for few minutes & i can.
    some downloads from sharing sites ( ex: megaupload ) have connection problem & won't continue.

    last but not least & what made me post this thread is;
    yesterday ( after i woke up my laptop from Hibernate ) when i turn the wireless button ( hardware button ) the light ( orange ) won't turn on!!!!!!!!!! it only turned on after i have shutted down my laptop for few hours.

    Thanks & Best REGARDS

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails little bit annoying CONNECTION problem!-02-05-2011-10-35-35-u-.jpg   little bit annoying CONNECTION problem!-30042011110451.jpg   little bit annoying CONNECTION problem!-30042011110510.jpg  
    Last edited by DaYiM; 02 May 2011 at 16:19.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    your post is difficult to read due to the centred formatting.

    you may get more help if you edited it to normal style.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 130
    Windows 7, 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    any helps here
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,398
    ultimate 64 sp1

    thanks for reformatting your post.

    have you tried changing the wireless channel?

    maybe you are getting interference from your neighbours, or some other sort of radio traffic, so a different channel (on a different frequency) may help?

    you'll need to go into your router settings for this.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 130
    Windows 7, 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    i changed between three different channels; but nothing have been changed!
      My Computer


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