Router randomly drops signal...

  1. Posts : 2
    windows 7 home premium 64bit

    Router randomly drops signal...

    Hi, I have a problem with my Dlink 1310 Wireless Router. For a while now it has been happening but it has finally gotten to the point where I am tired of it happening.

    Few things I have noticed or have done.

    1) Watched modem when this happens and never shows sign of droppage in internet
    2) Updated Firmware for router, and while it helped increase data transfer rates, the problem still persists
    3) Usually when this happens I will click the network icon on my laptop/desktop and will see that my router has disappeared from the list of available networks entirely, then returns a few moments later.
    4) Distance to router does not affect frequency of this problem

    Any ideas what is going on?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,913
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    How long has this been going on? What wifi card do you have in your computer? Have you updated the wifi card drivers? Do you have more than one computer in your house, and if you do, is it wireless, and if it is, does it also have this problem?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    windows 7 home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    How long has this been going on?
    Several months

    What wifi card do you have in your computer?
    Desktop has NETGEAR - RangeMax Wireless-N Desktop Card. Dunno bout other two laptops but they have exact same problem. I actually bought the Netgear card for my PC thinking maybe this would fix the problem.

    Have you updated the wifi card drivers?
    Everything is up to date.

    Do you have more than one computer in your house

    If you do, is it wireless, and if it is, does it also have this problem?
    They all have the same problem
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,913
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    How old is the router? Have you done a factory reset (not just flashing it)? What kind of encryption are you using?
      My Computer


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