internet connection problem

  1. Posts : 142
    windows 7 x64 16385

    internet connection problem

    I have an internet connection problem, and my system is windows 7 x64.

    When I read some articles on web site, I cannot reload web paeg or open new pages.
    At this time I should open "cmd" window and execute "ipconfig /renew".

    Please let me know how to solve this problem.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by windstory; 12 May 2011 at 21:07.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,537
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    How do you connect to internet?
    Might try unplugging all internet cables and rebooting. Then plug all cables back in as it may just needs to be rebooted..
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 142
    windows 7 x64 16385
    Thread Starter

    The Howling Wolves said:
    How do you connect to internet?
    Might try unplugging all internet cables and rebooting. Then plug all cables back in as it may just needs to be rebooted..
    I connect 100M cable.
    About your suggestion, I' try and report here.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 142
    windows 7 x64 16385
    Thread Starter

    After rebooting, nothing changed.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 467
    Seven ultimate 32bit

    Have you restarted your router? There should be a reset button or just unplug it for a few secz.(If your the only one on the network)

    Do you see any DNS if you CMD > IPCONFIG /ALL? Do you see the GATEWAY

    Are you part of a DOMAIN,,if so try refreshing your policy RUN > GPUPDATE
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 142
    windows 7 x64 16385
    Thread Starter

    1. reset router.

    2. DNS change ->

    3. I don't have a DOMAIN. Even I executed "GPUPDATE".

    But still same situation.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 972
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    That is very strange.. If i am not mistaken. all eights for the DNS is what google uses.

    why did you get a dns server from your router automatically .. you should have gotten it from your ISP and for you to use goggles dns servers, then you would have actually have to manually enter it yourself

    umm Who is your ISP ... what is your routers make model and version.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 142
    windows 7 x64 16385
    Thread Starter

    acurasd said:
    That is very strange.. If i am not mistaken. all eights for the DNS is what google uses.

    why did you get a dns server from your router automatically .. you should have gotten it from your ISP and for you to use goggles dns servers, then you would have actually have to manually enter it yourself

    umm Who is your ISP ... what is your routers make model and version.
    Yeh, it's google's dns.

    Anyway, I changed vaccine and it cured some viruses, then it cured.

    Thanks a lot.
      My Computer


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