Allowing neighbor to connect wirelessly...

  1. Posts : 19
    Windows 7 Ult 64bit

    Allowing neighbor to connect wirelessly...

    through my Cisco wireless router, which is unsecured, while I am using LAN,but he is able to connect through the host therefore causing me slow downs on my speed. My question is do I allow him guest access but block from using my host connection? I know I shouldn't be doing this in the first place but he is struggling to make ends meet and I saw no reason to let him access my internet as he has no tv or radio. any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 25
    windows 7 professional 32bit

    only way i can think of is throttling but that is quite advanced and usually requires customized firmware for your router the easier option is time limits so you can block him out so you can do ur downloading
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,285
    Windows 10 Pro X64

    I don't understand what this means: he is able to connect through the host

    Can you explain please?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    Not a big network guy here but if your router has something like Cisco Connect you could set him up as a guest while maintaining some security yourself.

    What this allows you to do is to set up the Guest account, then give him the password to allow access. Note that the Guest account password is seperate from the primary network password.

    Allowing neighbor to connect wirelessly...-cisco-connect.jpg

    If you router allows something like that, then that's what I'd do if you want to help him out. My other advice and suggestion is to secure your network, you probably have more then one house guess on it now

    My two cents
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 19
    Windows 7 Ult 64bit
    Thread Starter

    I do have Cisco Connect and do have a guest setup with a passphrase...which is different from mine...but he was sitting here and couldn't connect to guest but was allowed on mine (host) which is a desktop and connected through LAN. I was sure I had set it up right but was confused when he was able to use it. I have since changed the routers passphrase and will see what happens. I'll post back with an update. Thanks guys for responding and trying to help me out.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    Remember the Guest network name and pasword is going to be different from the router's name and passphrase. So, you don't even have to let him know the router's name if you don't want, just give him the Guest name and password and he should be good to go.

    Good luck.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 927
    windows 7 ultimate


    I've Repped you for being kind hearted and public spirited.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 32
    windows 7 32bit

    try changing the security settings in your router and create mulitple ssid accounts. e.g a zone for your house primarily and a guest zone for your neighbour... you will then have full control over his/her access. what they can and cant do and when they can and cant use your internet connection... if your router doesnt support multiple ssid and creating guest zones then simply set up the router with security.... wpa2 is the best therefore not allowing him/her to hog your bandwidth therefore not slowing you down... (that is if you do not want them to be using your internet connection) otherwise if you do give them the password and learn how to configure your router so that you can control there internet connecion
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 972
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    If you are using a Linksys Router then more than likely you will have a feature under Applications and Gaming called QOS (Quality of Service). You can throttle the bandwidth there either by Application or MAC Address and Port.

      My Computer


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