Network Printing

  1. Posts : 173
    Windows 7 Ultimate x32

    Network Printing

    Hi,don't know if the title is ok,but i need to know how do i print from my sons net book with win 7 starter to my win 7 32bit pc,what should we do ?

    any help?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 236

    hey there, try some of the things in this post
    Printer no longer working on my wirless network
    dsperber includes some good advice and info for you to try.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,941
    Linux CENTOS 7 / various Windows OS'es and servers

    Hi there
    seems to be a lot of people suddenly with Printer sharing problems recently

    I keep referring then to an old post of mine look at Post nr 6 in this thread

    Trouble with printer sharing

    This should fix 99% of these types of problems -- in a 32 / 64 bit mix, w2k, XP / W7 / w2k3 server / w2k8 server etc.

    just in case you can't find it


    I've posted on this before but to share Printers attached to XP computers with either X-64 or X-32 versions of Windows 7 is SIMPLE. These instructions are for the Printer attached to the XP machine (but works in reverse as well).

    ("Stand alone" Network printers can be done slightly similarly BTW).

    assume the computers are call XPMACHINE and W7MACHINE.

    1) Ensure Printer on XP machine is shared - assume it's called SHAREDPRINTER.

    2) On the Network Browsing on your Windows 7 machine ensure you can "See" the Printer share.

    Now on the Windows 7 machine do the following (doesn't matter if it's X-86 or x-64).

    3) Control Panel==> add LOCAL (Yes LOCAL) printer. I know it's on a Network but hold your horses -- what we are actually doing is "Poodlefaking" the Windows 7 machine into thinking it's running the printer.

    4) Create NEW port==>Local port


    6) Now Windows 7 will load a driver and you'll be able to print on the XP machine.


    (For a "Network stand alone printer") at 4) chose TCPIP port
    and at 5) enter the IP address. Note the IP address of the printer on the network.

    If the printer is on the Windows 7 machine and you want to print on the XP machine then do the same instructions on the XP machine --
    port name in this case will be \\W7MACHINE\SHAREDPRINTER


      My Computer


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